The stomach in this patient presented a 6.5 x 3.8 cm mural abscess. The abscess appeared to be in the greater curvature. The pylorus was thickened.
The right limb of the pancreas was hypoechoic with hyperechoic surrounding fat.
The urinary bladder wall itself was unremarkable. Multiple, non obstructive bladder calculi were noted and measured 0.5 cm and 0.6 cm. No evidence of inflammatory or neoplastic changes were noted. The ureters were not visible and therefore considered normal.
The kidneys revealed largely normal size and structure, corticomedullary definition and ratio (cortex 1/3 of medulla) were essentially maintained with some age related loss of curvilinear patterns. The cortices presented largely uniform texture with some age related echogenic changes that are not likely of clinical significance at this time unless inflammatory sediment or proteinuria is present. Medullary echogenicity differed distinctly from that of the cortex and no evidence or dilation could be seen. The capsules were acceptably uniform for this age patient without dramatic irregularities. Renal calculi were noted. The right kidney measured 5.1 cm. The left kidney measured 4.81 cm.