Mineralizing left ovarian mass in 6 month old F Doberman

Case Study

Mineralizing left ovarian mass in 6 month old F Doberman

This 6 month old F Doberman dog was presented for routine spay. Upon abdominal exploration the doctor felt that the left ovary was abnormally attached to the left kidney, and did not proceed with surgery.

This 6 month old F Doberman dog was presented for routine spay. Upon abdominal exploration the doctor felt that the left ovary was abnormally attached to the left kidney, and did not proceed with surgery.


Mineralizing left ovarian mass

Image Interpretation

The left ovary in this patient was enlarged, irregular and heterogenous measuring 3.5 cm. A minor inflammatory pattern was noted around it. Multi focal mineralization was noted with the left ovary. This would possibly be related to a carcinoma. The left ovary appeared mildly vascular with reactive surrounding mesentery.

The kidneys revealed normal size and structure, corticomedullary definition and ratio for this age. The cortices presented largely uniform texture with normal echogenic relationship to liver and spleen. Medullary structure differed distinctly from the cortex and no evidence of pelvic dilation was present. The capsules were acceptably uniform without significant irregularities. The right kidney measured 7.51 cm. The left kidney measured 7.23 cm.


Three view chest radiographs and immediate left ovariectomy recommended, possible ovarian carcinoma. The sonographic appearance appears somewhat aggressive. The left ovarian mass appears to be clearly separated from the left kidney; however, it does impinge upon the body wall in the retroperitoneal space. A surgeon should be prepared to remove a portion of the peritoneum and part of the musculature of the body wall. The practitioner may be able to palpate this lesion clinically.

Patient Information

Patient Name : Agatha McLaughlin
Gender : Female, Intact
Species : Canine
Type of Imaging : Ultrasound
Status : Complete
Code : 09_00177


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