A 13-year old MN Beagle dog was presented with vomiting, diarrhea, inappetance, and lethargy. The clinical exam revealed 5% dehydration and mildly tender mid-cranial abdomen. CBC, biochemistry, and urinalysis were normal. Folate was mildly elevated. CPL was Negative. Empirical treatment with metronidazole, Cerenia, and SQ fluids produced only minor positive clinical response.
A 13-year old MN Beagle dog was presented with vomiting, diarrhea, inappetance, and lethargy. The clinical exam revealed 5% dehydration and mildly tender mid-cranial abdomen. CBC, biochemistry, and urinalysis were normal. Folate was mildly elevated. CPL was Negative. Empirical treatment with metronidazole, Cerenia, and SQ fluids produced only minor positive clinical response.