The majority of the urinary bladder was unremarkable. Left dilated ureter was noted and measured 0.31 cm. It appears to enter into the prostatic urethra.
The testicles were imaged and found to be uniform. The prostate was uniform and measured 1.88 x 1.1 cm.
The iliac lymph nodes were slightly enlarged and measured 1.15 x 0.88 cm.
The kidneys revealed normal size and structure, corticomedullary definition and ratio for this age patient. The cortices presented largely uniform texture with normal echogenic relationship to liver and spleen. Medullary echogenicity differed distinctly from that of the cortex and no evidence or dilation could be seen. The capsules were acceptably uniform without dramatic irregularities. The left kidney measured 5.97 cm. The right kidney measured 5.6 cm.