A 12-year-old neutered male Cairn Terrier dog, with a chronic history of well managed diabetes and hyperadrenocorticism, was presented with a history of vomiting and anorexia over a 3 day period. The physical exam was normal other than mildly tacky mucous membranes and slight dehydration. The CBC was normal. Blood chemistry was stable with chronically moderately elevated SAP and mildly elevated ALT, which had been an issue over the prior 2 years. A urinalysis had not been performed.
A 12-year-old neutered male Cairn Terrier dog, with a chronic history of well managed diabetes and hyperadrenocorticism, was presented with a history of vomiting and anorexia over a 3 day period. The physical exam was normal other than mildly tacky mucous membranes and slight dehydration. The CBC was normal. Blood chemistry was stable with chronically moderately elevated SAP and mildly elevated ALT, which had been an issue over the prior 2 years. A urinalysis had not been performed.