This 10-year-old MN Golden Retriever was presented for vomiting and anorexia over a 4 day period. The clinical exam revealed marked weight loss, a tense caudal abdomen, mild fever, tacky mucosal membranes, and mild dehydration. The CBC revealed moderate leukocytosis with a left shift. The blood chemistry analysis was normal except for moderate hypoalbuminemia. Urinalysis was normal. Both of these abnormalities were progressively altered over a 24 hour period.
This 10-year-old MN Golden Retriever was presented for vomiting and anorexia over a 4 day period. The clinical exam revealed marked weight loss, a tense caudal abdomen, mild fever, tacky mucosal membranes, and mild dehydration. The CBC revealed moderate leukocytosis with a left shift. The blood chemistry analysis was normal except for moderate hypoalbuminemia. Urinalysis was normal. Both of these abnormalities were progressively altered over a 24 hour period. The patient was treated for 24 hours prior to the sonogram and passed a 5 inch grouping of foreign material of ribbon, rubber child’s toy, and parts of a tennis ball. The radiographs were performed 24 hours prior with a moderate accumulation of small bowel gas. Barium study was not performed.