This 11 year old F Pitbull dog was diagnosed with a thymoma one year ago. Occasional coughing.
This 11 year old F Pitbull dog was diagnosed with a thymoma one year ago. Occasional coughing.
This 11 year old F Pitbull dog was diagnosed with a thymoma one year ago. Occasional coughing.
This 11 year old F Pitbull dog was diagnosed with a thymoma one year ago. Occasional coughing.
CT of the thorax, plain and post contrast – A cranioventral mediastinal mass lesion measuring 11 x 7.5 x 6.5 cm is seen. The mass is slightly hypoattenuating compared with the musculature, well delineated and reveals moderate non-uniform contrast enhancement. A mass effect onto the cranial lung lobes, heart, aorta and brachiocephalic trunk and right ventricular outflow tract is noted as well as onto the cranial vena cava. Arteriosus and venous feeding of the tumor is recognized, but there is no evidence of extensive pathological vascularity/vascular patterns.
The computed tomographic findings are consistent with the known thymoma.
Neither a complicating secondary megaesophagus nor aspiration pneumonia are present currently.
The prognosis for surgical resection appears to be good at this point, even though tumoral adhesion can never be ruled out entirely based on imaging criteria. However, complicating factors – such as megaesophagus, peripheral tissue adhesion, extensive collateral formation and tumor feeding – may develop with time. Hence, timely surgical resection should be considered.