CT – structurally normal head in a 10 year old Scottish Fold cat with a history of otitis external

Case Study

CT – structurally normal head in a 10 year old Scottish Fold cat with a history of otitis external

This 10 year old MN Scottish Fold cat presented with a history of chronic otitis in the rgith ear

This 10 year old MN Scottish Fold cat presented with a history of chronic otitis in the rgith ear


The computed tomography of the head is within normal limits. There is no structural evidence of otitis at this point.

Image Interpretation

CT of the head – The tympanic bullae are within normal limits, the lumen is aerated, the bulla walls are
even and thin. The ear canals are within normal limits. No structural abnormalities oft
he inner ears are noted.

Patient Information

Patient Name : OJ Robinson/Aloha
Gender : Male, Neutered
Species : Feline
Type of Imaging : Ultrasound
Status : Complete
Liz Wuz Here : Yes


  • Otitis externa


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