In the region of the right external ear canal there is an ovoid ill-defined soft tissue mass lesion with marked irregular contrast enhancement and amorphous mineralization, measuring 5.2 x 3.4 x 3.1 cm in size. The mass lesion presents invasion of the right external ear canal and tympanic bulla. There is marked permeative osteolysis of the right tympanic bulla, the temporal bone, pterygoidal bone, occipital bone and the ramus mandibulae. Perforation of the neurocranium is noted level with the right tympanic bulla. The zygomatic process of the temporal bone, remaining osseous lining of the tympanic bulla, right ramus mandibulae and the right pterygoidal bone present marked palisading ill-defined periosteal reaction. The mass has a severe mass effect on the naso- and oropharynx that are partially obliterated.