CT – Retrobulbar and retromolar abscessation with regional septic myositis in a 10 year old FS Persian cat

Case Study

CT – Retrobulbar and retromolar abscessation with regional septic myositis in a 10 year old FS Persian cat

This 10 year old FS Persian cat presented with left eye miotic but reactive, decreased menace, exopthalamus, anorexia. Dental procedure 4 days prior. Underweight, seems painful in mouth.

This 10 year old FS Persian cat presented with left eye miotic but reactive, decreased menace, exopthalamus, anorexia. Dental procedure 4 days prior. Underweight, seems painful in mouth.


retrobulbar and retromolar abscessation with regional septic myositis and reactive lymphadenitis.

Image Interpretation

CT of the head and thorax – 

An ill-defined mass effect is noted within the left retrobulbar & retromolar space and masseter region displacing the globe temporodorsally. The lesion shows moderate, non-uniform contrast enhancement with a predominating ring-like pattern. The lesion has a significant mass effect onto the optic nerve, extraocular musculature and oropharynx. The globe is macroscopically not infiltrated. No aggressive osteolysis is seen. The left medial retropharyngeal lymph node and the left submandibular lymph nodes are mildly enlarged with preserved short to long axis ratio and enhancement pattern. Except for generalized periodontal disease with jaw bone atrophy and FOR lesions the dentition does not present abnormalities. An association with the retrobulbar process is not evident


A foreign body associated pathomechanism is likely even though no foreign body is identified. A soft tissue neoplasia with central tumoral necrosis is a theoretical differential diagnosis with a low potential.

Surgical drainage oft he abscess is recommended and should be combined with tissue sampling for histopathology to ruel out the unlikely possibility of a necrotizing tumor.

Patient Information

Patient Name : Honey Biscuit
Gender : Female, Spayed
Species : Feline
Type of Imaging : Ultrasound
Status : Complete
Liz Wuz Here : Yes
Code : 16_00044

Clinical Signs

  • Anorexia

Exam Finding

  • Ocular abnormality
  • Pain
  • Underweight



Clinical Signs

  • Anorexia
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