CT – Primary nasal neoplasia with secondary osteolytic bone lesions in a 12 year ld M Husky

Case Study

CT – Primary nasal neoplasia with secondary osteolytic bone lesions in a 12 year ld M Husky

This 12 year old M Husky has a history of chronic intermittent sneezing, reverse sneezing and epistaxis, all of which has been increasing in frequency and severity. Mucoid nasal discharge

This 12 year old M Husky has a history of chronic intermittent sneezing, reverse sneezing and epistaxis, all of which has been increasing in frequency and severity. Mucoid nasal discharge


aggressive soft tissue neoplasia in the left nasal cavity with complete obstruction of the left nasal passage; secondary polyostotic aggressive osteolytic bone lesions

Image Interpretation

CT of the skull: 

The left frontal sinus and left nasal cavity are filled by a homogeneous soft tissue attenuating mass. The pars orbitalis of the frontal bone and the left pterygoidal bone present permeative osteolytic areas. The nasal septum presents lysis and mild deviation to the right side. There is partial left-sided obstruction of the nasopharynx. The mass spreads to the right side level of the ethmoidal bone. 

Emerging destruction of the conchal and turbinate structures is seen in the left nasal cavity associated with the mass. 


The findings are consistent with a primary nasal neoplasia. Most likely differentials include adenocarcinoma, lymphoma, squamous cell carcinoma, other.
Consider follow-up rhinoscopy with repetition of the biopsy. Depending on the histopathological results radiation-therapy would be a possible palliative treatment option. Consider full tumor staging including 3 view chest radiographs and abdominal ultrasound as well as FNA of the tributary lymph nodes to get a more detailed idea of the overall prognosis and adjust therapeutic options accordingly.

Patient Information

Patient Name : Manitu Layton/vetmed consultants
Gender : Male, Intact
Species : Canine
Type of Imaging : Ultrasound
Status : Complete
Liz Wuz Here : Yes
Code : 16_00143

Clinical Signs

  • Epistaxis
  • Nasal discharge mucoid
  • Sneezing



Clinical Signs

  • Epistaxis
  • Nasal discharge mucoid
  • Sneezing
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