CT – Normal Brain with Uncontrollable Seizures in an 11 year old

Case Study

CT – Normal Brain with Uncontrollable Seizures in an 11 year old

This patient has a history of having seizures that cannot be controlled. 


This patient has a history of having seizures that cannot be controlled. 



Normal brain and surrounding calvarium.

Image Interpretation

CT Findings:

There was no evidence of a contrast enhancing lesion in the brain. There was no evidence of meningeal asymmetry. The lateral ventricles are within normal limits and symmetrical. The falx cerebri is on midline and there is no obvious shift. In the mid frontal lobes thereis an area of lobe attenuation that may be artifactual or represent postictal changes (edema). There was no evidence of lysis or aberrant proliferation in the Calvarium. The surrounding soft tissues are within normal limits. The nasal cavity is normal and lymph nodes are normal and symmetrical.


It is recommended that efforts be continued to try and control the seizures. Consider neurologic referral or more advanced cross sectional imaging such as MRI to betterevaluate the brain. Consider CSF tap for evidence of inflammatory or neoplastic disease.

Patient Information

Patient Name : Rodney Penner Scott Lake VC
Type of Imaging : Ultrasound
Status : Complete

Clinical Signs

  • Seizures


  • Seizures

Clinical Signs

  • Seizures
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