CT – Non-Metastatic resectable fibrosarcoma in a 7 year old DSH cat also with cholangiohepatitis/triaditis

Case Study

CT – Non-Metastatic resectable fibrosarcoma in a 7 year old DSH cat also with cholangiohepatitis/triaditis

This 7 year old MN DSH has a history of suspected fibrosarcoma on shoulder

This 7 year old MN DSH has a history of suspected fibrosarcoma on shoulder


The computed tomography of the thorax is negative for metastatic spread

Image Interpretation

CT of the thorax – The computed tomography reveals an ovoid heterogenous mass of 1.5 cm within the
subcutaneous fat caudal to the right scapula. The lesion margins are slightly ill-defined,
the attenuation pattern is non-uniform and varies between soft tissue and fat
attenuation. Mild, non-uniform contrast enhancement is noted.
There is no evidence of metastatic spread to the lung or mediastinal lymph nodes. The liver presents mild generalized enlargement. A bilobed gallbladder is seen. Mild
dilation oft he intra- and extrahepatic biliary ducts is noted. The left lobe of the pancreas is mildly enlarged with mildly scalloping contours and
mildly heterogenous contrast enhancement.


The subcutaneous mass lesion is compatible with the history of a possible
fibrosarcoma and appears to be in a resectable position respecting the recommended
safety margins (distance to underlying rib 2.7 cm).
The abdominal changes are suggestive for cholangiohepatitis/triaditis. Laboratory
workup, proactive symptomatic treatment and supportive care is recommended.

Patient Information

Patient Name : Harry Rowett/AVC
Gender : Male, Neutered
Species : Feline
Type of Imaging : Ultrasound
Status : Complete
Liz Wuz Here : Yes
Code : 16_00029


  • Neoplasia


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