This 9 year old intact male Golden retriever present with acute episode of seizure activity.
This 9 year old intact male Golden retriever present with acute episode of seizure activity.
This 9 year old intact male Golden retriever present with acute episode of seizure activity.
This 9 year old intact male Golden retriever present with acute episode of seizure activity.
CT of the head.
In the postcontrast phase, in the right parasellar region, level with the round and oval foramen, a uniform contrast enhancing, to the sphenoid bone broad based convex shaped mass lesion is bulging in the cranial fossa. The associated bone presents moderate sclerosis in comparison to the contralateral site. A mass effect at the diencephalon and parietal lobe is noted that are deformed and a midline shift to the left is seen. The right lateral ventricle is distorted.
The findings of the current CT study are consistent with primary neoplasia originating from the meninges, due to the associated sclerosis of the sphenoid bone, parasellar meningioma is the most likely differential. Although considered less likely, round cell neoplasia, germinoma, granular cell tumor, other, are potentials as well.
Current medical management may be complemented by an bolus of mannitol and short acting corticosteroids (eg Dexamethasone). The chances of radiation therapy may be discussed with neurologist/oncologist or our teleoncology service,