CT – Hepatopathy with adrenal hyperplasia, possible PDH, in a 10 year old FS Labrador Retriever

Case Study

CT – Hepatopathy with adrenal hyperplasia, possible PDH, in a 10 year old FS Labrador Retriever

This 10 year old FS Labrador Retriever dog presented with a history of anorexia and panting. Elevated LE; possible hepatic mass

This 10 year old FS Labrador Retriever dog presented with a history of anorexia and panting. Elevated LE; possible hepatic mass


Unspecific hepatopathy with nodular changes and subtle regional lymphadenomegaly; bilateral adrenal hyperplasia

Image Interpretation

CT of the abdomen, plain and post contrast – 

The liver appears normal in size. Mild rounding and retraction of the liver lobes is noted which is most pronounced at the papillary process. The left lateral lobe of the liver reveals a 1 cm intraparenchymal nodule with hypo-enhancing center and hyper-enhancing periphery. The architecture of the extra- and intrahepatic vascular tree is within normal limits.  The hepatic lymph nodes present mild symmetric enlargement. Both adrenal glands reveal symmetric hyperplasia with a minimum pole diameter of 10 mm.


Consider chronic inflammatory, vacuolar & steroid induced hepatopathy as well as diffuse neoplastic infiltrate. A large mass leion is not identified.
The underlying cause of the adrenal hyperplasia may be PDH as well as stress induced/chronic illness related hyperplasia. Further laboratory work up of a possible Cushing’s with bloodwork, urine Specific gravity and urinecortisole/creatinine quotient is advised.
Ultrasound guided liver biopsies/fine needle aspiration (left lateral lobe nodule as well as general parenchyma) should considered in case the aforementioned tests are inconclusive.

Patient Information

Patient Name : Lacy Bode/Neel
Gender : Female, Spayed
Species : Canine
Type of Imaging : Ultrasound
Status : Complete
Liz Wuz Here : Yes
Code : 16_00030

Clinical Signs

  • Anorexia
  • Panting



Clinical Signs

  • Anorexia
  • Panting