CT – Discospondylitis with vertebral canal stenosis and possible related ocular disorder in a 6 year old MN German Shepherd dog

Case Study

CT – Discospondylitis with vertebral canal stenosis and possible related ocular disorder in a 6 year old MN German Shepherd dog

This 6 year old MN German Shepherd dog was diagnosed with hyphema, glaucoma and ocular trauma OD 3 week prior. Presented 2 days ago for ataxia and disorientation; CP deficits noted pelvic limbs.  Chem: pre-renal azotemia.

This 6 year old MN German Shepherd dog was diagnosed with hyphema, glaucoma and ocular trauma OD 3 week prior. Presented 2 days ago for ataxia and disorientation; CP deficits noted pelvic limbs.  Chem: pre-renal azotemia.


Severe discospondylitis and possible uveitis

Image Interpretation

CT of the head and cervical spine-

head: Both ocular bulbs appear to be small and deep within the orbita. After contrast administration the vascular tunic of the right ocular bulbus presents an undulating outline. The globoid shape of the left ocular bulb is maintained. However, the vascular tunic presents with double outline on the post contrast series. 

cervical spine –  The vertebral endplates of the cervical spine present very mild spondylosis deformans.  There is marked periosteal palisading, well delineated, bridging new bone formation at the ventral aspect of the vertebral bodies of T2/3 and T4/5 associated with a moderate circumferential soft-tissue swelling with extension into the ventral epidural space of the vertebral canal.  There is moderate moth-eaten osteolysis of the vertebral endplates between T2/3 and T4/5 with peripheral sclerotic margins. The intervertebral disc space is moderately widened.  Soft tissue attenuating material is present to the left side of the ventral epidural space with marked mass effect on the spinal cord which is displaced and compressed to the right side level with the intervertebral disc spaces T2/3 and T4/5.


Discospondylitis T2/3 and T4/5 associated with a marked bifocal vertebral
canal stenosis and compressive myelopathy due to herniation of disc material
and epidural steatitis
• Bilateral global ocular disorder with disorganization of the vascular tunic: R
>> L
For further workup of the underlying disease a complete abdominal ultrasound
examination is warranted to check for primary septic foci as well as complete blood
work and urine analysis with bacterial culture. Long term broad spectrum antibiotic
treatment is required. Surgical decompression may be considered depending on the
presence and severity of neurologic deficits. The findings of the right ocular bulbus are consistent with the history of ocular disease.A complete ophthalmologic workup has already been performed according to history.
Uveitis is one of the major differential diagnoses to consider with the assumed
hematogenous spread of an infectious agent – even though the diagnostic impact of CT
is very limited here.

Patient Information

Patient Name : Harley Barreto/MPI
Gender : Male, Neutered
Species : Canine
Type of Imaging : Ultrasound
Status : Complete
Liz Wuz Here : Yes
Code : 16_00129

Clinical Signs

  • Ataxia
  • Disorientation

Exam Finding

  • Ocular abnormality
  • Proprioceptive deficits (or CP deficits)



Blood Chemistry

  • Azotemia

Clinical Signs

  • Ataxia
  • Disorientation
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