This 9 year old FS dog presented with acute coughing
This 9 year old FS dog presented with acute coughing
This 9 year old FS dog presented with acute coughing
This 9 year old FS dog presented with acute coughing
CT of the thorax –
The caudal compartment of the left cranial lung lobe and the caudal aspect of the cranial compartment adjacent to the heart presents non aerated areas of soft tissue attenuation with air bronchograms, emphasizing the dependent portion of the lobes. Mild volume loss of the left lung with cardiac midline shift to the left side is noted.
Less likely tracheitis/laryngitis or treacheal/laryngeal/bronchial collapse. if the clinical signs persist, consider tracheobronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage for further definition.