CT – Chronic rhinitis and destruction of nasal turbinates in a 10 year old MN Ragdoll cat

Case Study

CT – Chronic rhinitis and destruction of nasal turbinates in a 10 year old MN Ragdoll cat

This 10 year old MN Ragdoll cat has a historhy of chronic nasal discharge which does respond to antibiotics.

This 10 year old MN Ragdoll cat has a historhy of chronic nasal discharge which does respond to antibiotics.


chronic inflammatory rhinitis and emerging destruction of the nasal turbinate structures.

Image Interpretation

CT of the skull: 

Both nasal cavities present a moderate amount of non-gravity dependent, non-contrast enhancing material present attached to the nasal turbinates. There is mild destruction of the turbinate structures in the rostral aspect of both nasal cavities. The mucosal lining of the nasal cavity is moderately thickened with mildly increased contrast enhancement.


Viral rhinitis with bacterial superinfection
or primary bacterial rhinitis are the most likely causative agents. However, early stages
of mycotic superinfection (cryptococcal rhinitis) cannot be ruled out entirely. Secondary bilateral reactive lymphadenitis of the tributary lymph nodes is noted.Recommend rhinoscopy for further evaluation with sampling for culture and
histopathology to check for underlying fungal disease. Long-term antimicrobial
therapy – such as with azithromycin for at least 4 weeks – should be considered if not
yet done so. Clinical signs may reoccur in chronic cases.

Patient Information

Patient Name : Alex Hillman/MPI
Gender : Male, Neutered
Species : Feline
Type of Imaging : Ultrasound
Status : Complete
Liz Wuz Here : Yes
Code : 16_00133

Clinical Signs

  • Nasal discharge mucoid



Clinical Signs

  • Nasal discharge mucoid