CT – Chronic oronasal fistula with tooth root abscessation and lymphadenitis in a 9 year old F Chihuahua with periodontal disease

Case Study

CT – Chronic oronasal fistula with tooth root abscessation and lymphadenitis in a 9 year old F Chihuahua with periodontal disease

This 9 year old F Chihuahua dog has a history of sneezing episodes. 

Physical exam: periodontal disease, swelling under left eye

This 9 year old F Chihuahua dog has a history of sneezing episodes. 

Physical exam: periodontal disease, swelling under left eye


Chronic oronasal fistula with tooth root abscessation, large bone defect and regional destructive rhinitis associated with the triadan 204 • Severe generalized periodontal disease with marked atrophy of the jaw bones Moderate regional lymphadenitis

Image Interpretation

CT of the head: The dentition is incomplete, multiple teeth are missing. All remaining teeth present periapical widening of the periodontal ligament with loss of the dural lamina and tooth root resorption. Multiple empty alveoles are seen.  The triadan 204 is absent with a large defect of the underlying maxillary bone and a localized soft tissue swelling outside and inside the nasal cavity. Regional turbinate lysis and increased amounts of nasal secretions are seen. The nasal septum is deviated to the right. The left nostril is distorted. The jaw bone is severely atrophic in all quadrants. The submandibular and medial retropharyngeal lymph nodes present moderate symmetric enlargement.


Surgical sealing of the fistula is indicated.
The risk of pathologic fractures of the mandibles has to be considered a potential in the future.

Patient Information

Patient Name : Maya Heister/CVC
Gender : Female, Intact
Species : Canine
Type of Imaging : Ultrasound
Status : Complete
Liz Wuz Here : Yes
Code : 16_00045

Clinical Signs

  • Sneezing

Exam Finding

  • Dental disease
  • Swelling



Clinical Signs

  • Sneezing
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