Presented for left foreleg lameness and cerivcal pain of one month duration.
Presented for left foreleg lameness and cerivcal pain of one month duration.
Presented for left foreleg lameness and cerivcal pain of one month duration.
Presented for left foreleg lameness and cerivcal pain of one month duration.
CT of the spine. Moderate collapse of the intervertebral disc space C6/7 is noted as well as moderate spondylosis deformans and a moderate protrusion of disc material into the ventral epidural space. The exact extent of the protrusion cannot be delineated against the spinal cord.
A vacuum phenomenon of the lumbosacral intervertebral disc is noted as well as early lumbosacral spondylosis deformans.
Mild spondylosis deformans is noted within the mid thoracic spine.
The CT findings suggest chronic disc protrusion within the deep cervical spine. Exact delineation of the degree of spinal cord compression within the deep cervical spine would require a myelographic study or an MRI.
Clinical correlation is warranted to decide about the relevance of the orthopedic disease of the forelimbs.