This 7 year old MN Labrador Retriever has a history of hypoalbuminemia, low BUN, Lepto ELISA positive and UTI.
Current CBC/Chem: HCT 38%, bile acids 85, post prandial 100, Albumin 2.2, BUN 7. U/A: bilirubin +1, blood +3, RBC 30-50/hpf
This 7 year old MN Labrador Retriever has a history of hypoalbuminemia, low BUN, Lepto ELISA positive and UTI.
Current CBC/Chem: HCT 38%, bile acids 85, post prandial 100, Albumin 2.2, BUN 7. U/A: bilirubin +1, blood +3, RBC 30-50/hpf