Badder mass vs blood clot post ovariohysterectomy in a 2 year old FS DSH cat

Case Study

Badder mass vs blood clot post ovariohysterectomy in a 2 year old FS DSH cat

A 2-year-old SF DSH was presented for evaluation of severe hematuria following routine ovariohysterectomy. Initial PCV was 24%, which dropped to 18% 48 hours later.  Survey radiographs were normal. 


A 2-year-old SF DSH was presented for evaluation of severe hematuria following routine ovariohysterectomy. Initial PCV was 24%, which dropped to 18% 48 hours later.  Survey radiographs were normal. 



Blood clot vs bladder mass

Image Interpretation

The urinary bladder in this patient presented a 3.0 cm, mixed echogenic mass or possible attached blood clot. There was no visible blood flow within the mass itself. The structure appears resectable. The bladder and urethra were otherwise unremarkable.

Prominent uterine stump was noted. Trace free fluid in the pelvis. 


Ultrasound-guided traumatic catheterization or direct exploratory surgery is recommended as the lesion appears resectable. Best option is likely exploratory surgery with expectations towards mass or clot removal. Otherwise, the abdomen was unremarkable. Given the age of the patient bladder mass is unlikely. Further resection of the uterine stump would likely be ideal. This would be a judgment call at the time of surgery.

Clinical Differential Diagnosis

Bladder – urolith, cystitis, interstitial cystitis, trauma, polyploid cystitis
Uterus – oozing blood vessel
Renal – trauma, renolith, hematoma

Patient Information

Patient Name : Bones Ernst/Intrapet
Gender : Female, Spayed
Species : Feline
Type of Imaging : Ultrasound
Status : Complete
Liz Wuz Here : Yes
Code : 06_00372

Clinical Signs

  • Hematuria


  • Hematocrit, Low

Clinical Signs

  • Hematuria
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