This 3 year old FS ShihTzu dog presented with acute vomiting of one day duration.
This 3 year old FS ShihTzu dog presented with acute vomiting of one day duration.
This 3 year old FS ShihTzu dog presented with acute vomiting of one day duration.
This 3 year old FS ShihTzu dog presented with acute vomiting of one day duration.
Ultrasound of the abdomen –
The left and right lobe of the pancreas are embedded in a slightly hyperechoic mesentery, but within normal limits for size, shape and echoarchitecture. The gastric wall presents moderate generalized wall thickening emphasizing the submucosal layer. The interrugal wall thickness is up to 5 mm. The wall layering is moderately obscured. The mucosal surface is slightly irregular. A moderate amount of fluid is present within the stomach. The surrounding mesentery is mildly increased in echogenicity with slightly ill defined echotexture. The stomach is hypomotile. The duodenum is slightly dilated with fluid, presents hypermotility and mucosal fogging. The wall layering is witho normal limits. The jejunum presents similar changes as the duodenum. There is no obstructive pattern of the digestive tract.
There is no evidence of obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract. Empirical aggressive gastric protective treatment and narrow monitoring is recommended to avoid further expansion of the peritonitis. Consider ultrasonographic reexamination and further endoscopic workup in case the patient is refractory to empirical treatment.
R/O obstruction, pancreatitis