Abscessing malignant neoplasia of the left maxilla with multifocal aggressive osteolysis in a 16 year old MN DSH cat

Case Study

Abscessing malignant neoplasia of the left maxilla with multifocal aggressive osteolysis in a 16 year old MN DSH cat

This 16 year old MN DSH cat presented with a non-resolving abscess on the left cheek of 6 weeks duration. Has been lanced and drained externally as well as it draining behind the upper rear molar. Moderate azotemia.

This 16 year old MN DSH cat presented with a non-resolving abscess on the left cheek of 6 weeks duration. Has been lanced and drained externally as well as it draining behind the upper rear molar. Moderate azotemia.


abscessing malignant neoplasia of the left maxilla with multifocal aggressive osteolysis

Image Interpretation

ultrasound of the left maxilla – A large irregular moderately vascularized, cavernous and non-uniformly hypoechoic soft tissue mass is seen perforating the left maxillary bone through an irregularly marginated bony defect. Multifocal amorphous periosteal new bone is seen emerging from the left maxilla and zygomatic arch. Multifocal small permeative lytic defects seem to be present at the rostral margin of the zygomatic arch as well.


Likely differential diagnoses are a squamous cell carcinoma, osteochondrosarcoma, lymphosarcoma, fibrosarcoma, or other.
Neither the radiographs provided nor the ultrasonographic findings do really support the possibility of a tooth root abscess. This is considered low for potential.
Full tumor staging with tumor biopsy, regional lymph node aspirates, 3 view chest radiographs and abdominal ultrasound would be recommended for further definition before proceeding with more advanced diagnostic tests such as CT to assess for the full extent of the lesion and possible – likely palliative – treatment options.
Final assessment of the prognosis is limited at this stage, but overall is seems to be guarded at best

Patient Information

Patient Name : Dexy Bosch/Cat Care Limited
Gender : Male, Neutered
Species : Feline
Type of Imaging : Ultrasound
Status : Complete
Liz Wuz Here : Yes
Code : 13_00045



Blood Chemistry

  • Azotemia
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