A 10-year-old DSH was presented for evaluation of severe azotemia. Renomegaly was evident on physical examination.
A 10-year-old DSH was presented for evaluation of severe azotemia. Renomegaly was evident on physical examination.
A 10-year-old DSH was presented for evaluation of severe azotemia. Renomegaly was evident on physical examination.
A 10-year-old DSH was presented for evaluation of severe azotemia. Renomegaly was evident on physical examination.
Highly suggestive for bilateral renal lymphoma or other neoplasia. Fine-needle aspirates are warranted. Guarded to poor long term prognosis.
The kidneys in this patient were bilaterally enlarged with disruption of architecture and corticomedullary definition. Pericapsular inflammatory pattern was noted with capsular escape and a hypoechoic, irregular renal parenchyma. This was present in both kidneys. The left kidney measured 5.3 cm. The right kidney measured 5.24 cm.
The patient was lost to follow up.
Hydronephrosis, neoplasia (lymphoma), pyelonephritis.
FNA revealed atypical round cell population. Differentials to consider include a histiocytic lymphoma or even B cell lymphoma. A biopsy is advised to better differentiate the lesion.