03_00182 Avery D Gastroazygous shunt

Case Study

03_00182 Avery D Gastroazygous shunt

A 1-year-old MN Yorkshire Terrier dog was presented for history of elevated bile acids (no physical bile acid results provided), and ammonium biurate calculi on cystotomy.

A 1-year-old MN Yorkshire Terrier dog was presented for history of elevated bile acids (no physical bile acid results provided), and ammonium biurate calculi on cystotomy.


Gastroazygous shunt

Sonographic Differential Diagnosis

Gastro azygos shunt surgically correctable. Minor urinary bladder calculi. Renal calculi with mild to moderate diffuse interstitial changes.

Image Interpretation

The urinary bladder was mildly thickened with a mild amount of slightly shadowing echogenic debris and sand consistent with ammonium biurate calculi that was previously found in recent surgery. The kidneys presented mildly swollen contour with corticomedullary calculi and mild to moderate diffuse interstitial changes for this age of the patient. No obstruction was noted at this time. The liver was mildly subnormal in size with no significant parenchymal changes from a sonographic perspective. However a Portosystemic shunt was noted at the level of the pancreatic duodenal vein at the portal hilus just prior to the entrance of the portal vein in which a small vessel deriving from the portal vein measuring 0.25cm expanded to a maximum width of 0.5cm just caudal to the pylorus and looping ventrally and then dorsally with tortuous contour passing through the diaphragm at the level of the esophagus and continuing into the azygos vein. This is most consistent with a gastro azygos shunt though not a large one. The right medial and left lobes of the liver were atrophied.


The patient was recommended for ameroid constrictor therapy upon the gastro azygous shunt with repeat cystotomy and medical management.


The patient was lost to follow-up.

Clinical Differential Diagnosis

Portosystemic shunt, microvascular dysplasia/portal vein hypoplasia, diffuse liver disease.



Patient Information

Gender : Male, Neutered
Species : Canine
Type of Imaging : Ultrasound
Status : Complete


  • Ammonium Biurate Stones
  • Cystotomy



Blood Chemistry

  • Post-Prandial Bile Acids, High
  • Pre-Prandial Bile Acids, High


  • Ammonium Biurate Crystals Present
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