03_00178 Abby W Gastroazygous shunt *BK*

Case Study

03_00178 Abby W Gastroazygous shunt *BK*

An 11-year-old Silky Terrier with history of a portosystemic shunt and treated with metronidazole, Sam-E, and L/d diet, was presented for not acting herself, not sleeping, pacing, and unable to get comfortable. On physical examination the patient was lethargic and there was a 3×2 cm mass on the left anal area. Abnormalities on blood chemistry were mildly increased ALT activity and hyponatremia.

An 11-year-old Silky Terrier with history of a portosystemic shunt and treated with metronidazole, Sam-E, and L/d diet, was presented for not acting herself, not sleeping, pacing, and unable to get comfortable. On physical examination the patient was lethargic and there was a 3×2 cm mass on the left anal area. Abnormalities on blood chemistry were mildly increased ALT activity and hyponatremia.


Gastroazygos shunt. Polycystic kidneys with medullary calculi.

Sonographic Differential Diagnosis

Gastroazygos shunt. Polycystic kidneys with medullary calculi. Moderate degenerative renal changes. Undefined hepatic nodule.

Image Interpretation

The liver was subnormal in size with increased portal markings and remodeling with an overwhelming gallbladder given the ratio between gallbladder and available hepatic parenchyma. A 2.1 cm hypoechoic nodule was noted in the mid liver. This is consistent with hyperplasia or potential carcinoma. Fine-needle aspirates would be warranted. A gastroazygos shunt was noted in this patient and was deriving from the portal vein in a ventral direction followed by dorsal direction and the loop entered into the esophageal inlet. This created a double aorta presentation in the caudal thoracic diaphragm. The portal vein at the hilus measured 0.29 cm, vena cava 0.4 cm, aorta 0.42 cm. The shunt at the esophageal inlet measured 0.51 cm. However, at its widest point it measured 0.95 cm. The kidneys presented polycystic renal changes in the cortices with disruption at the corticomedullary junction with generalized swelling and enlargement. Medullary calculi were also noted as well as corticomedullary calculi. These were only slightly obstructive at this time.


The patient was recommended for dietary consultation due to concern regarding the long-term viability of the kidneys, bile acid panel, and urinalysis and culture and sensitivity. Lactulose, metronidazole, L/D or K/D diet were all recommended and surgical correction was also given as an option. Abnormalities on urinalysis were isosthenuria, 2+ bilirubinuria and trace hematuria. The patient was treated with Neoplasene, Reglan, Prostora, and Milk Thistle. No further outcome.

Clinical Differential Diagnosis

Hepatic encephalopathy – progressive liver dysfunction, cirrhosis, neoplasia. CNS – meningitis, neoplasia, senile dementia, senility


FNA of the peri-anal mass revealed a well-differentiated epithelial neoplasm most likely an adenocarcinoma.

Patient Information

Species : Canine
Type of Imaging : Ultrasound
Status : Complete

Clinical Signs

  • "Not Doing Right"
  • Lethargy


  • Portosystemic Shunt

Exam Finding

  • Lethargy
  • Palpable mass



Blood Chemistry

  • ALT (SGPT), High
  • Sodium, Low

Clinical Signs

  • "Not Doing Right"
  • Lethargy
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