A 9-year-old FS Miniature Schnauzer with history of cystic calculi, currently on U/D diet, was presented for routine dental prophylaxis. The urine was dark yellow and had a cloudy appearance and on urinalysis was alkaline and isosthenuria, 1+ proteinuria, 1+ hematuria, leukocyturia, and bacteriuria were present. Urine culture yielded a pure growth of Enterococcus species. Preoperative blood work showed elevated liver enzyme activity, hypoalbuminemia, and severely elevated postprandial bile acids. The patient was treated with Clavamox for 3 weeks.
A 9-year-old FS Miniature Schnauzer with history of cystic calculi, currently on U/D diet, was presented for routine dental prophylaxis. The urine was dark yellow and had a cloudy appearance and on urinalysis was alkaline and isosthenuria, 1+ proteinuria, 1+ hematuria, leukocyturia, and bacteriuria were present. Urine culture yielded a pure growth of Enterococcus species. Preoperative blood work showed elevated liver enzyme activity, hypoalbuminemia, and severely elevated postprandial bile acids. The patient was treated with Clavamox for 3 weeks. On follow up blood chemistry hypoalbuminemia, low albumin/globulin ratio, elevated AST, elevated ALT and activity, and low BUN were evident. Survey abdominal radiographs showed microhepatica.