A 13-year-old MN Sheltie had initially been presented at the primary veterinarian for lethargy, anorexia, vomiting, and diarrhea with abnormalities on CBC and serum chemistry being leukocytosis, azotemia, elevated TP, inorganic phosphate, cholesterol, and ALP activity. The pet was subsequently referred to a 24-hour emergency referral hospital were on physical examination discomfort on abdominal palpation was found. Further testing showed pyuria, crystalluria, elevated bilirubin and ALT activity, hemoconcentration, and faint positive for Lyme on ELISA 4DX snap test.
A 13-year-old MN Sheltie had initially been presented at the primary veterinarian for lethargy, anorexia, vomiting, and diarrhea with abnormalities on CBC and serum chemistry being leukocytosis, azotemia, elevated TP, inorganic phosphate, cholesterol, and ALP activity. The pet was subsequently referred to a 24-hour emergency referral hospital were on physical examination discomfort on abdominal palpation was found. Further testing showed pyuria, crystalluria, elevated bilirubin and ALT activity, hemoconcentration, and faint positive for Lyme on ELISA 4DX snap test.