An 8-year-old DSH feline was presented with an acute presentation of jaundice and decreased appetite. He was also pyrexic (40.6 celsius). Blood chemistry: ALT 669, AST 177, TBil 34, ALKP 48, PLI 50, SDMA 14, T4 22. CBC: normocytic normochromic anemia HCT 28% with reticulocyte 11 (<50) non-regenerative. Urinalysis by cysto; spec. gr 1.047, ph 6.5, Bil3+, prot 2+, RBC>50, WBC 3-5, sq ep 1-5, trans ep 1-5. FELV/FIV NEG.
An 8-year-old DSH feline was presented with an acute presentation of jaundice and decreased appetite. He was also pyrexic (40.6 celsius). Blood chemistry: ALT 669, AST 177, TBil 34, ALKP 48, PLI 50, SDMA 14, T4 22. CBC: normocytic normochromic anemia HCT 28% with reticulocyte 11 (<50) non-regenerative. Urinalysis by cysto; spec. gr 1.047, ph 6.5, Bil3+, prot 2+, RBC>50, WBC 3-5, sq ep 1-5, trans ep 1-5. FELV/FIV NEG. Abdominal radiographs clearly demonstrated the presence of a radiopaque density (3 mm) that appears to image in the vicinity of where the major duodenal papilla would be located. The cat has lost almost 0.9 KG (1.9 lbs) over the last year. An abdominal ultrasound was ordered to evaluate the cause of the elevated Tbil and jaundiced appearance of the individual.