The echocardiogram in this patient demonstrated normal left atrial size based on 3 separate methods of LA evaluation. Mitral insufficiency noted at 6.3 m/sec. Concentric left ventricular hypertrophy noted in this patient with hypercontractility. The myocardium presented normal echogenicity without subjective evidence of significant fibrotic or ischemic disease. Aortic velocity was excessive at 6.0 m/sec with secondary aortic insufficiency at 5.0 m/sec. The right atrium and auricle revealed normal size, structure and content. No evidence of masses was noted. Tricuspid insufficiency noted at 2.8 m/sec. The right ventricle was of normal size (1/3 diameter of LV), chordae structure, myocardial echogenicity and thickness. Pulmonary outflow tract assessment revealed normal valve structure, laminar flow, and diameter (approx.1:1 pa/ao ratio). No visible pericardial or free pleura fluid was noted. The cranial mediastinum and pericardial and extra-cardiac regions were free of masses in the visible window. Periodic arrhythmia noted.