An 8-year-old male neutered Yorkshire terrier was presented for vomiting, anorexic, lethargy, dehydration, and azotemia. A 2 x 2cm dense mass was palpated in the left inguinal region. Non-reducible. R/O renal disease, pancreatitis. Current meds: Cerenia; Famotidine; Ampicillin; Baytril. CBC: pmns 22K; PCV 67%; TP 9.6; Bun 48; Creat 3; Phos 10 (values improving with fluids).
An 8-year-old male neutered Yorkshire terrier was presented for vomiting, anorexic, lethargy, dehydration, and azotemia. A 2 x 2cm dense mass was palpated in the left inguinal region. Non-reducible. R/O renal disease, pancreatitis. Current meds: Cerenia; Famotidine; Ampicillin; Baytril. CBC: pmns 22K; PCV 67%; TP 9.6; Bun 48; Creat 3; Phos 10 (values improving with fluids).