Post Holiday Indigestion? That’s Not So “Raven.” Hopefully the holiday festivities didn’t cause your stomach to look like this sonographic presentation. See what Andi Parkinson RDMS & Rachel Brilhart RDMS of Intrapet Imaging, Baltimore MD, USA and their friends @ Eastern AH found in this 7-year-old Dachshund with a major belly-ache.
Post Holiday Indigestion? That’s Not So “Raven.” Hopefully the holiday festivities didn’t cause your stomach to look like this sonographic presentation. See what Andi Parkinson RDMS & Rachel Brilhart RDMS of Intrapet Imaging, Baltimore MD, USA and their friends @ Eastern AH found in this 7-year-old Dachshund with a major belly-ache.
History (Parkinson/ Brilhart RDMS): A 5-year-old NM Dachshund with a history of chronic lameness that had been treated with naproxen by the owner. The patient presented for vomiting and anorexia for 2 weeks. Abnormalities on CBC and serum biochemistry were severe anemia (PCV 14%), leukocytosis, hypoproteinemia, and low BUN. Blood transfusion was given.
Image 1: The gastrointestinal tract revealed significantly thickened wall with hyperechoic ill-defined mesentery associated with the serosal layer of the stomach, particularly that if the pyloric outflow. A dilated, fluid filled fundic lumen was also noted owing to ileus or pyloric outflow delay.
Image 2: Closer examination of the gastric wall revealed a focal loss of mural detail and a hyperechoic penetrating lesion that is contiguous with the lumen but extends into the muscularis layer. Peripheral luminal air artifact from the gastric lumen obscures the image to some extent.