CT: Hemangioscarcoma of the Nasal Cavities, Cranial Fossa, Frontal Sinuses and Left Orbita in a FS Canine: Our Case Of the Month August 2015

Case Of the Month

CT: Hemangioscarcoma of the Nasal Cavities, Cranial Fossa, Frontal Sinuses and Left Orbita in a FS Canine: Our Case Of the Month August 2015

The patient was presented for significant swelling on the face and difficulty breathing. The patient recently had surgery to remove a tumor from the medial canthus of the left eye. The pathology report revealed a low-grade hemangiosarcoma. The surgical borders were not clear. There is now a round, slightly raised, firm mass on the bridge of the nose right between the eyes.

The patient was presented for significant swelling on the face and difficulty breathing. The patient recently had surgery to remove a tumor from the medial canthus of the left eye. The pathology report revealed a low-grade hemangiosarcoma. The surgical borders were not clear. There is now a round, slightly raised, firm mass on the bridge of the nose right between the eyes.


The computed tomographic findings are compatible with a malignant soft tissue neoplasm with extensive and highly aggressive bone destruction and principally match the prediagnosed hemangiosarcoma. There was bilateral involvement of the nose and frontal sinuses, the cranial fossa and left orbita.


The prognosis is poor. Radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy might be considered as palliative measures. A complete staging including sampling of the regional lymph nodes, chest radiographs, abdominal and cardiac ultrasound would be required for a treatment plan. Due to a steady decline in health the patient was euthanized 2 weeks after this CT scan.

Image Interpretation

A significant asymmetric soft tissue swelling with a mass effect was seen on the dorsum of the nose and frontal bones. Both nasal cavities and the nasal fundus were almost entirely occupied by a soft tissue attenuating mass. The right frontal sinus was filled with soft tissue attenuating material. There was extensive bilateral asymmetric destruction of the maxillary, nasal and frontal bones. Severe turbinate and nasal septal lysis was seen as well as focal left-sided destruction of the frontal calvarial bone and cribriform plate creating an open connection to the cranial fossa and brain. On the left side the mass lesion penetrated the floor of the bony orbit and extended into the retrobulbar region associated with a mild unilateral exophthalmos. Furthermore, there was permeative lysis of the alveolar crest of the left maxillary bone and tooth root destruction of the cheek teeth.

Patient Information

Patient Name : Abbie Brooks Neel Vet
Gender : Female, Spayed
Species : Canine
Status : Complete

Clinical Signs

  • Dyspnea


  • Neoplasia



Clinical Signs

  • Dyspnea
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