Spontaneous Bowel Necrosis In A Beagle
History (Bdzula VT): A 13- year old MN Beagle dog presented with vomiting, diarrhea, inappetance, and lethargy. The clinical exam revealed 5% dehydration and mildly tender mid cranial abdomen. CBC, Chemistry, and urinalysis were normal. Folate was mildly elevated. CPL was Negative. Empirical treatment with metronidazole, cerenia, and SQ fluids produced only minor positive clinical response.
Spontaneous Bowel Necrosis In A Beagle
History (Bdzula VT): A 13- year old MN Beagle dog presented with vomiting, diarrhea, inappetance, and lethargy. The clinical exam revealed 5% dehydration and mildly tender mid cranial abdomen. CBC, Chemistry, and urinalysis were normal. Folate was mildly elevated. CPL was Negative. Empirical treatment with metronidazole, cerenia, and SQ fluids produced only minor positive clinical response.