Abdominal Abscess/Infarcted Lipoma in a 10-year-old MN Beagle: Our Case Of the Month January 2020

Case Of the Month

Abdominal Abscess/Infarcted Lipoma in a 10-year-old MN Beagle: Our Case Of the Month January 2020

The patient presented for pre-anesthetic work up for a TPLO surgery and it was noted that the patient’s abdomen appeared larger than normal. Radiographs of the abdomen were inconclusive and an ultrasound was performed.

The patient presented for pre-anesthetic work up for a TPLO surgery and it was noted that the patient’s abdomen appeared larger than normal. Radiographs of the abdomen were inconclusive and an ultrasound was performed.


Necrotic adipose tissue with granulomatous inflammation and fibrous encapsulation


The caudal abdomen revealed a 4.45 x 2.8 cm hypoechoic abscess or infarcted lipoma with hyperechoic
granulation bed and inflammation with slight fluid accumulation noted around the abscess. Surgical intervention was recommended. The patient underwent an exploratory surgery and the mass was remove. The mass was determined to be necrotic adipose tissue with granulomatous inflammation and fibrous encapsulation, most compatible with an intra-abdominal lipoma or strangulated omental fat, which has become necrotic and secondarily inflamed. The patient was found to be doing great and fully recovered at suture removal appointment.


Tru-cut surgical biopsies of the mass were taken during exploratory surgery.

Image Interpretation

Hypoechoic caudal abdominal abscess or infarcted lipoma. Slight fluid accumulation was noted around the abscess.

Patient Information

Patient Name : Sammy Pugh Anderson's corner AH 12-20-19
Gender : Male, Neutered
Species : Canine

Clinical Signs

  • Abdominal Distension

Exam Finding

  • Abdominal Distension



Blood Chemistry

  • Alkaline Phosphatase (SAP), High

Clinical Signs

  • Abdominal Distension
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