Cardiac neoplasia

Sonopath Forum

Cardiac neoplasia

9 1/2 yr MN boxer-X, severe weakness+ ascites+dyspnea/tachypnea. Hx= weight loss, grain free diet. Initial TX= Pimobendin. Echo; pericardial effusion with RA and some RV diastolic collapse. Pericardiocentesis to relieve tamponade. Abdominocentesis to relieve respiratory embarrassment. Mild vol. overloading of R side noted following centesis- Pimobendin continued. Recheck 3 days post centesis= normal cardiac function, ascites resolved. Pimo stopped. C&S of PE=negative. Cytology of effusion(s)-NSF. Mass observed at level of heart base. Most likely mass? Pericardial lesions/artifacts?


Eric Lindquist

yeh a couple of areas bother me see attached image in addition to the pericardial nodule you noted. Mesenchymal neoplasia would be my suspicion as this is not typical HSA but cytospin of the pc fluid and immediate slide prep may give the dx and not just sending the fluid out as the dx cells denature best to get them on a slide right away. I would screen the abdomen sonographically for related disease.

Dan lynn

Thanks! I thought most likely aortic body tumour but wasn’t sure how that mass related to the pericardial changes observed.. Cytospun slides and fluid samples did not yield answers here. Any good recent articles on phenotypes of heart based tumors based on echo presentation. Why did you consider a mesenchymal etiology?

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