Boxer pup heart murmur

Sonopath Forum

Boxer pup heart murmur

  • 9 week old 4kg Boxer puppy with G 3/6 left basilar systolic murmur
  • Aortic turbulence with Vmax 1.8m/s
  • On scan there was an accessory papillary muscle and an interventricular band which seemed to extend to high septum
  • Question is what to classify this as? What do you call ‘false tendons’ in left ventricle?
  • And is this likely to cause this pup a problem? 
  • Owners want to know before kids get attached
  • Any advice much appreciated

  • 9 week old 4kg Boxer puppy with G 3/6 left basilar systolic murmur
  • Aortic turbulence with Vmax 1.8m/s
  • On scan there was an accessory papillary muscle and an interventricular band which seemed to extend to high septum
  • Question is what to classify this as? What do you call ‘false tendons’ in left ventricle?
  • And is this likely to cause this pup a problem? 
  • Owners want to know before kids get attached
  • Any advice much appreciated



HI!Yes, this seems to be a

Yes, this seems to be a false tendon. I have seen these in various breeds. Sometimes I find these associated with mitral dysplasia or aortic stenosis. However, a false teondon itself does not cause a heart murmur…

Based on the overall appearance, I can’t see any significant volume or pressure overload here. Yet, I would rule out any possible malformations (e.g. pulmonic stenosis, VSD, AV-dysplasia).


Best regards,



The only area of turbulence

The only area of turbulence was the aorta but the max velocity was 1.8 m/s

Would you classify this as normal for a Boxer pup?