Bladder luminal material
9 year old MN Golden/Lab mix with unexplained weight loss (over 20 pounds in past 8 months). Dog is clinically normal with good appetite, energy, no vomiting/diarrhea/inappetance. Normal CBC, chemistry panel, and electrolytes. Normal fecal. Normal chest rads. Normal U/A. I did not see anything related to the GI tract to explain weight loss. I…
Shunt Hunt
I am new to shunt hunts but wanted to give this one a try. The dog is about 1 year old, and has very elevated bile acids and low BUN. She is not clinical. I *think* this may be a splenocaval shunt but wanted to see if you were able to confirm (or refute) that…
Weight loss/vomiting in young boxer
These images are from a 1.5 year old intact male Boxer. He has been vomiting for months now and lost a dramatic amount of weight. This is the first time we have seen him. I don’t see major lesions in the GI tract. Layers appear normal, size is normal, and there are no dilated areas….
Adrenal mass?
16 year old chow cross presented for acutely painful abdomen and increasingly bloated appearance to abdomen. -The left adrenal appears normal in shape and measures 0.88cm. -A mid-body splenic mass is present. -Several hyperehcoic liver nodules are present.
Episodic pain
This is from a 1.5 year old shih tzu who has had frequent episodes of pain that no one has been able to localize. I really think the pain is more likely spinal in origin but was asked to look at the pancreas/GI tract to make sure another cause cannot be identified. The pancreas looks…
Diarrhea, vomiting
This a 10 year old cat with a several month history of diarrhea and recent onset of projectile vomting. I see multiple things on U/S and just want to put it together in a single coherent picture. The owner is not allowing biopsies so I am stuck with empiric therapy. Apparently, they have already tried…
Archiving images on Logiq E
I recently bought a used Logiq E Vet. I am slowly figuring out how to optimize the images although they’re not completely where I want them. I really like the Help menu it comes with to figure out how to do things.
Cause of ascites
I am still learning to work with my recently purchased machine so I am not uploading any images at this time. I can (probably) figure out how to do that in the near future if you need to see the images.
Abdominal mass
-13-14 year old lab with recurrent episodes of vomiting/regurgitation -recent onset of anorexia -elevated SAP, amylase, lipase, abnormal cPLI I am trying to figure out what the mass is associated with and what it may be. The most likely is the pancreas but I wasn’t able to convince myself it was associated with the duodenum….
How to price an ultrasound machine
I am looking to sell my ultrasound machine (a Fuji Fazone with 3 probes). I have been looking around for other ones for sale to give me an idea of how to price it, but I haven’t found any for sale. Does anyone know about how much to ask for it or how I can…