Enteric duplication + Linear FB

Enteric duplication + Linear FB

Greetings, Faisca is a 1yo M/N DSH. Yesterday he became very letargic, had hemorrhagic diarrhea, salivary vomit and loss of appetite. He is an outdoor cat and the owner did find a small piece of sewing thread in the vomit. 

Cat with mild jaundice

Hi everyone, 8 yo SF DSH was presented for lethargy, vomiting (yellow bile), inappetence and weight loss. Apparently unremarkable stools. PE: mild jaundice CBC/Biochem: elevation of ALT (500) and total bilirrubin (1,8). UA: +2 bilirrubin, +2 blood, density > 1.050 Abd. US (what I see): The liver parenchyma is mildly echogenic. The gall bladder is mildly…

Cystic calculi or only sediment?

10yo MI Lab with diagnosed leishmaniasis (controlled at the time)   Came in with history of hematuria (1 or 2 drops of fresh blood in the beginning of the micturition). Did an u/s which revealed bilateral parenquimal prostatic cysts and what seems to be free shadowing sediment in the dependent portion of the bladder. UA:…

IBD/Neoplasia/Bacterial enterocolitis?

Bob is a 5 yo outdoor DSH with history of large bowel diarrhea for 15 days (with mucus and sometimes hematochezia). No weight loss or decreased apettite.  Initial Lab work: FIV/FeLV negative, UA normal (unfortunately wasn’t able to do till now CBC or biochem due to severe financial restraints), presence of Ancylostoma sp. in the…

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