Draining pericardial effusion without your knees knocking! :)
For whatever the reason doing anything with the heart sends my own heart rate up. First it was measurements, then doppler work, and that darn aortic outflow in cats! Haha! I was presented with a pericardial effusion echo case today that sent me into anxiety-ville. I am posting the videos here, and as far as…
Draining pericardial effusion without your knees knocking! :)
For whatever the reason doing anything with the heart sends my own heart rate up. First it was measurements, then doppler work, and that darn aortic outflow in cats! Haha! I was presented with a pericardial effusion echo case today that sent me into anxiety-ville. I am posting the videos here, and as far as…
Saving and clearing case studies from Logig E
Hi there, does anyway have a FAST and EASY way to get all my ultrasound studies off of a Logiq e Vet ultrasound machine?
Saving and clearing case studies from Logig E
Hi there, does anyway have a FAST and EASY way to get all my ultrasound studies off of a Logiq e Vet ultrasound machine?
End of the line; scanning the urethra. :)
How do you know when you are at the “end of the line” when scanning the urethra? Also does body confirmation change how far you can scan, as in the case of English Bulldogs, Frenchies, etc? Not my best examples, but you get the idea. Still working on my skills.
Is there any benefit in scanning a potentially blocked cat?
I was scanning today when a potentially blocked cat came in on emergency and it dawned on me that I had never scanned a blocked cat.
A Tale of Two Bladders. TCC vs. thickened bladder wall.
I scanned two patients the other day, both with bladders that looked abnormal. The first bladder I scanned in a 9-year-old MN Shiba Inu had a thickened bladder wall that to me looked irregular. The second bladder on a 14-year-old Mixed breed looked plain awful. Can a bladder wall appear thickened in some areas…
Draining a prostatic abscess +/- Baytril injection: what’s the procedure?
When draining a prostatic abscess is there any particular way to approach it or does it depend strictly on the area and location of the abscess itself? Also, for Baytril injection is the dosing different than the normal dose that would be given SQ or IV to the same size patient? Is there an area…
Progressive hepatic cyst
An 11-year-old FS Golden Retriever was presented for re-evaluation of a hepatic cyst that was originally diagnosed approx. 6 months prior, and rechecked 3 months prior with not much change. At today’s scan the cyst was shown as much larger than before.
How can I prepare myself to scan a puppy with possible congenital heart issues?
I have a scan next week on an 8-month-old puppy with possible congenital heart issues, a murmur was asculted. What, if anything in particular should I be looking for in such a case? Or would this be scanned as any other routine echo? I know if it happens to be a PDA case I need…