Aortic outflow profile

Sonopath Forum

Aortic outflow profile

  • 10 year old FN Springer Spaniel with a cough and suspected pulmonary disease
  • The echo showed very mild mitral insufficiency and ECG sinus arrythmia. 
  • My query is with the variable aortic outflow profile, why so much variety in outflow velocity without a significant arrhythmia? There was movement artefact on the ECG recording at the time but the HR was approx 80 bpm. I felt like the allignment was acceptable. 
  • Many thanks

  • 10 year old FN Springer Spaniel with a cough and suspected pulmonary disease
  • The echo showed very mild mitral insufficiency and ECG sinus arrythmia. 
  • My query is with the variable aortic outflow profile, why so much variety in outflow velocity without a significant arrhythmia? There was movement artefact on the ECG recording at the time but the HR was approx 80 bpm. I felt like the allignment was acceptable. 
  • Many thanks



Usually, long previous


Usually, long previous R-R intervals create high stroke volumes, short intervals create low stroke volumes (as reflected in outflow velocities).

If the R-R intervals are regular, differences in outflow velocities are likely to be caused by differences in systolic function or diastolic filling:

  • e.g. a bundle branch block may cause a lower outflow velocity due to a uncoordinated contraction.
  • differences in diastolic filling can be caused due to increased airway resistance (e.g. bronchial disease) which causes increased respiratory effort and intrathoracic pressure changes


Best regards,



Brilliant thank you Peter.

Brilliant thank you Peter.


you’re always welcome 😉

you’re always welcome 😉