abdominal mass 4 yr old Pitbull

Sonopath Forum

abdominal mass 4 yr old Pitbull

These are clips from a 4 yr old fs Pitbull who has had diarrhea for the past 4-5 days and a few episodes of vomiting.  She eats but only a little.  SHe has been febrile 104.6 with a WBC of 30,000.  A mass can be palpated in the right cranial abdomen and can be seen on her plain films.  She has been treated with metacam for the fever and baytril and clavamox.  She is painful when the mass is compressed for scanning.  Pancreatitis vs mass??  The stoamch has gastric contents swirling around after a 12 hour fast.  I did a fna and only saw rbc’s and w

These are clips from a 4 yr old fs Pitbull who has had diarrhea for the past 4-5 days and a few episodes of vomiting.  She eats but only a little.  SHe has been febrile 104.6 with a WBC of 30,000.  A mass can be palpated in the right cranial abdomen and can be seen on her plain films.  She has been treated with metacam for the fever and baytril and clavamox.  She is painful when the mass is compressed for scanning.  Pancreatitis vs mass??  The stoamch has gastric contents swirling around after a 12 hour fast.  I did a fna and only saw rbc’s and wbc’s.



I recently had a cocker

I recently had a cocker spaniel with acute pancreatitis. I could palpate a softball sized mass in the same region that you describe. Ultrasound findings consistent with pancreatitis. The dog was treated aggressively with antibiotics and fluid thereapy. One week later the palpable mass was gone and the dog was back to her normal self. I did not save images of the acute pancreatitis- but I had done an ultrasound on her previously and there was some chronic changes indicating past episodes. 

I will see if I can post x-rays from the mass effect in the anterior abdomen and x-rays taken 1 week earlier. 


OK – I am posting 2 sets of x-rays. The first was taken on 3/26/15 and the second set on 4/8/15. Rosebud got into chocolate cake with cream butter topping. Acute pancreatitis. You could easily palpate that mass. After treatment I could no longer palpate the mass – but I did not follow up with another x-ray.






I recently had a cocker

I recently had a cocker spaniel with acute pancreatitis. I could palpate a softball sized mass in the same region that you describe. Ultrasound findings consistent with pancreatitis. The dog was treated aggressively with antibiotics and fluid thereapy. One week later the palpable mass was gone and the dog was back to her normal self. I did not save images of the acute pancreatitis- but I had done an ultrasound on her previously and there was some chronic changes indicating past episodes. 

I will see if I can post x-rays from the mass effect in the anterior abdomen and x-rays taken 1 week earlier. 


OK – I am posting 2 sets of x-rays. The first was taken on 3/26/15 and the second set on 4/8/15. Rosebud got into chocolate cake with cream butter topping. Acute pancreatitis. You could easily palpate that mass. After treatment I could no longer palpate the mass – but I did not follow up with another x-ray.






Jeff this is a cluster of

Jeff this is a cluster of severely infiltrated and inflamed LN or maybe pancreas with regional ln spread but most likley mesenteric ln. Very ugly needs fna right away to comfim. It looks like the mesenteric artery is squeezed in the middle of the first video. Look for sarcoma or similar, carcinoma if pancreas but less likely. Lots of pain management essential here wiht all that fuzzy fat and inflammation. Poor dog.


Jeff this is a cluster of

Jeff this is a cluster of severely infiltrated and inflamed LN or maybe pancreas with regional ln spread but most likley mesenteric ln. Very ugly needs fna right away to comfim. It looks like the mesenteric artery is squeezed in the middle of the first video. Look for sarcoma or similar, carcinoma if pancreas but less likely. Lots of pain management essential here wiht all that fuzzy fat and inflammation. Poor dog.

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