How to delete images for transfer in the logiq e?

Sonopath Forum

How to delete images for transfer in the logiq e?

I have tried figuring this out but I cannot for some reason.

I have followed the steps that sonopath’s tutorial indicated to save the images by using the menu button, “Save As” , to my USB stick so that I can post the images here which has been terrific.

I however cannot seem to delete the images for transfer. If I select CD/DVD the “Delete images for Transfer” button will be highlighted and I can select it. If I change the drop down menu to “USB drive”, the “Delete images for Transfer” button cannot be selected.

I have tried figuring this out but I cannot for some reason.

I have followed the steps that sonopath’s tutorial indicated to save the images by using the menu button, “Save As” , to my USB stick so that I can post the images here which has been terrific.

I however cannot seem to delete the images for transfer. If I select CD/DVD the “Delete images for Transfer” button will be highlighted and I can select it. If I change the drop down menu to “USB drive”, the “Delete images for Transfer” button cannot be selected.

It’s no big deal but everytime I go to save more images it indicates that it is an old study and asks if I want it opened.

I must be missing a small step somewhere. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Brent.



I don’t have a logic e- but

I don’t have a logic e- but you want to deltete the study from your thumb drive?

I just delete the study from my thumb drive when I plug it in to my computer. Maybe you can only delete

studies off of the local database. Maybe someone with a logic e will respond


I don’t have a logic e- but

I don’t have a logic e- but you want to deltete the study from your thumb drive?

I just delete the study from my thumb drive when I plug it in to my computer. Maybe you can only delete

studies off of the local database. Maybe someone with a logic e will respond


Thanks. It seems like the

Thanks. It seems like the local database keeps a memory of the images I saved and every time I go to save a new image it saves all of the old ones as well.  Manageable but a pain. Thanks. Brent


Thanks. It seems like the

Thanks. It seems like the local database keeps a memory of the images I saved and every time I go to save a new image it saves all of the old ones as well.  Manageable but a pain. Thanks. Brent


I dont have my machine handy

I dont have my machine handy but when you are in the blue patient screen and you click on your patient (one click) and in the upper left corner there are 4 icons… one says image archive or similar…all the images come up like the hollywood squares. You can click and cntrl to click just the images you want to transfer. So the squares that are highlit will transfer.Make sense? If now I will be in front of my machine tomorrow and will screen shot the steps.


I dont have my machine handy

I dont have my machine handy but when you are in the blue patient screen and you click on your patient (one click) and in the upper left corner there are 4 icons… one says image archive or similar…all the images come up like the hollywood squares. You can click and cntrl to click just the images you want to transfer. So the squares that are highlit will transfer.Make sense? If now I will be in front of my machine tomorrow and will screen shot the steps.


Finally got around to


Finally got around to looking on my machine. I’m missing a step somewhere.

When I follow the above steps I don’t see an option to transfer the images.

The problem occurs when I save the images to a USB stick to upload to the forum. I followed the directions I found on sonopath about having the image displayed in the full screen, using the menu button in the bottom right corner, selecting “save as” and then choosing the proper settings. That part works great but it keeps a memory of all the images that I transfer and saves them each time. Not a big issue but if there is an easier way I am all for it. Screen shots my be helpful if possible. Thanks again. Brent


Finally got around to


Finally got around to looking on my machine. I’m missing a step somewhere.

When I follow the above steps I don’t see an option to transfer the images.

The problem occurs when I save the images to a USB stick to upload to the forum. I followed the directions I found on sonopath about having the image displayed in the full screen, using the menu button in the bottom right corner, selecting “save as” and then choosing the proper settings. That part works great but it keeps a memory of all the images that I transfer and saves them each time. Not a big issue but if there is an easier way I am all for it. Screen shots my be helpful if possible. Thanks again. Brent

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