bilateral hydronephrosis

Sonopath Forum

bilateral hydronephrosis

Bailey is a 4 yr old fs DSH taken to her rDVM fro her annual exam.  Big kidneys were palpated.  An ultrasound was done and bilateral hydronephrosis was diagnosed and she was given 60 days to live.  She acts normal at home except for drinking more  water.  Her Creat is 3.5 and she urinates normally per the owner.  I see  a stone in the proximal ureter at least on the left kidney.  I want to do a pyelocentesis and decompress the pelvis.  What size needle do you use?  Whta type of sedation do you use?  I will culture the urine too.  A

Bailey is a 4 yr old fs DSH taken to her rDVM fro her annual exam.  Big kidneys were palpated.  An ultrasound was done and bilateral hydronephrosis was diagnosed and she was given 60 days to live.  She acts normal at home except for drinking more  water.  Her Creat is 3.5 and she urinates normally per the owner.  I see  a stone in the proximal ureter at least on the left kidney.  I want to do a pyelocentesis and decompress the pelvis.  What size needle do you use?  Whta type of sedation do you use?  I will culture the urine too.  After I empty the pelvis I was going to put her on sq fluids and pred to decrease the inflammation around the stones.  Maybe she can work them into the bladder?



Some cats have this and live

Some cats have this and live with it if the opposite kidney is functional and looks like th eleft may have some parenchyma left. I don’t know how much decompressing this will help as those stones are big and not going anywhere she needs an SUB. When doing pyelocentesis 25 g is as large as I go but get a coag and BP first.


Thanks Eric  SUB??

Thanks Eric  SUB??


Some cats have this and live

Some cats have this and live with it if the opposite kidney is functional and looks like th eleft may have some parenchyma left. I don’t know how much decompressing this will help as those stones are big and not going anywhere she needs an SUB. When doing pyelocentesis 25 g is as large as I go but get a coag and BP first.


Thanks Eric  SUB??

Thanks Eric  SUB??


SUB= Subcutaneous Ureteral

SUB= Subcutaneous Ureteral Bypass…. IR folks do it its preferred to ureteral stents now. Allyson Berent and Chick Weiss pioneered it at AMC


SUB= Subcutaneous Ureteral

SUB= Subcutaneous Ureteral Bypass…. IR folks do it its preferred to ureteral stents now. Allyson Berent and Chick Weiss pioneered it at AMC

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