This 12 year old FS Beagle presented with vomiting, discomfort, lethargy and inappetance.
Exam: painful cranial abdomen, dehydrated, mentation dull.
CBC/Chem: BUN low 8.8, Crea low 0.4, P high 5.0, Glob high 4.0, ALT 1000, ALKP 993, GGT 44, Tbili 2.9. HCT 53%, platelets 280,000
This 12 year old FS Beagle presented with vomiting, discomfort, lethargy and inappetance.
Exam: painful cranial abdomen, dehydrated, mentation dull.
CBC/Chem: BUN low 8.8, Crea low 0.4, P high 5.0, Glob high 4.0, ALT 1000, ALKP 993, GGT 44, Tbili 2.9. HCT 53%, platelets 280,000