RAD – Feline asthma and bacterial superinfection with fractured costal cartilage in a 7 year old FS DSH cat

Case Study

RAD – Feline asthma and bacterial superinfection with fractured costal cartilage in a 7 year old FS DSH cat

This 7 year old FS DSH cat presented with hairball-type cough of several years duration, but worsening. CBC/Chem – slight increase amylase but otherwise wnl. PE: BAR, lungs slightly raspy.

This 7 year old FS DSH cat presented with hairball-type cough of several years duration, but worsening. CBC/Chem – slight increase amylase but otherwise wnl. PE: BAR, lungs slightly raspy.


• Severe active broncho-interstitial lung pattern without air trapping • Fractured costal-cartilage and subtle expansion of the rib cage

Image Interpretation

The sternum presents moderate degenerative changes and a dorsal convex conformation level with the second to fourth sternebra. Ovoid well-delineated mineral-opacities are associated with multiple intervertebral disc spaces. the rib cage and intercostal spaces present slight expansion with subtle loss of the normal funnel shape of the normal feline chest. There is only mild indication of gastrointestinal aerophagia. The rib-cartilage of one of the 11th rib presents S-shaped deformity with loss of sternal contact. The lung reveals an overall increase in opacity with marked peribronchial cuffing on a background of increased interstitial opacity and some confluent patchy areas in the caudal and ventral lung field. The caudal contour of the heart and the caudal vena cava are partially obscured by the lung pattern


• Hypovolemia with microcardia and underperfusion of the lung
• Atypical small intestinal gas pattern related to aerophagia due to stress/dyspnea
• Degenerative intervertebral disc disease thoracic & lumbar spine – incidental.
• Sternal malformation – incidental.
The findings are consistent with feline lower airway disease (feline asthma) and suggestive for recent bacterial superinfection. The fractured costal cartilage is consistent with the history of chronic cough and intermittent exspiratory obstruction.
Parasitic bronchopneumonia is considered very unlikely here.

For further workup bronchoscopy including bronchioalveolar lavage is recommended.

Patient Information

Patient Name : Lila Puelsch/Blairstown
Gender : Female, Spayed
Species : Feline
Type of Imaging : Ultrasound
Status : Complete
Liz Wuz Here : Yes
Code : 17_00066

Clinical Signs

  • Coughing



Clinical Signs

  • Coughing
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