This 2 year old M Labrador Retriever dog. Liver shunt repair with coil July 2015.Recently had developed poor appetite and abdominal ascitis with swelling progressiong along right hind leg; dripping from centesis sites. Protein in urine, chronically. Has been o benazapril, tylosin, omeprazole, spironolactone, furosemide. Hospitalized on hetastarch
CBC/Chem: albumin 1.8, total protein 3.4, calcium 8.3, amylase 1591, PSL 195, USPG 1.025
This 2 year old M Labrador Retriever dog. Liver shunt repair with coil July 2015.Recently had developed poor appetite and abdominal ascitis with swelling progressiong along right hind leg; dripping from centesis sites. Protein in urine, chronically. Has been o benazapril, tylosin, omeprazole, spironolactone, furosemide. Hospitalized on hetastarch
CBC/Chem: albumin 1.8, total protein 3.4, calcium 8.3, amylase 1591, PSL 195, USPG 1.025