This 14 year old intact F Jack Russell Terrier dog presented for vomiting, lethargy, anorexia of 24 hour duration; no diarrhea.
Physical exam: mildly increased respiratory effort, increased bronchovesicular sounds, abdomen moderately distended and painful on palpation.
CBC/Chem/UA: HCT 43.8%, WBC 16.78, Neu 11.55 with bands suspected, Eos 1.97, BUN 53, Crea 5.4, Phos 14.8, TP 5.0 (Alb 2.4, Glob 2.6), AlkP 351, GGT 21, Chol 325, Amy 1827, Na+ 144, K+ 5.2, Cl- 102 Urine Analysis: USPG 1.023, pH, 5.0, 3+ protein, struvite crystalluria, occasional cocci.
This 14 year old intact F Jack Russell Terrier dog presented for vomiting, lethargy, anorexia of 24 hour duration; no diarrhea.
Physical exam: mildly increased respiratory effort, increased bronchovesicular sounds, abdomen moderately distended and painful on palpation.
CBC/Chem/UA: HCT 43.8%, WBC 16.78, Neu 11.55 with bands suspected, Eos 1.97, BUN 53, Crea 5.4, Phos 14.8, TP 5.0 (Alb 2.4, Glob 2.6), AlkP 351, GGT 21, Chol 325, Amy 1827, Na+ 144, K+ 5.2, Cl- 102 Urine Analysis: USPG 1.023, pH, 5.0, 3+ protein, struvite crystalluria, occasional cocci.