CT – normal brain and severe spondylarthrosis, sclerosis and disc protrusions in a 10 year old MN Pitbull dog with seizures

Case Study

CT – normal brain and severe spondylarthrosis, sclerosis and disc protrusions in a 10 year old MN Pitbull dog with seizures

This 10 year old MN Pitbull dog started having seizures approximately 1 year ago, currently controlled with phenobarbital. Old spinal injury affects ambulation and bladder control.

This 10 year old MN Pitbull dog started having seizures approximately 1 year ago, currently controlled with phenobarbital. Old spinal injury affects ambulation and bladder control.


The computed tomography (CT) of the head is within normal limits which supports the suspicion of primary epilepsy. .

Image Interpretation

CT of the head and spine (T5-L5) – head: no abnormalities noted.
Spine: Severe degenerative changes are associated with the facet joints and vertebral arches within the lumbar spine. Large amounts of periarticular osteophytes, subchondral bone sclerosis and cysts are seen as well as elongation of the articular surfaces and sclerosis of the “kissing” vertebral arches. The changes are more pronounced on the right side and extensive throughout the lumbar spine as imaged. A mass effect onto the vertebral canal is not obvious.
Moderate degenerative changes of the rib articulations and mild spondyloses are noted within the caudal thoracic spine and at the thoracolumbar transition respectively.
Mild to moderate chronic disc protrusions into the ventral epidural spaces are noted at T13/L1, L1/2 and L2/3. The myelocompressive effect appears to be mild at this point.
Possible non-organic material is seen within the gastric fundus (see picture).


Inflammatory, metabolic/toxic, degenerative brain disease cannot be ruled out. The imaging procedure should be complemented by a CSF examination at least.
The CT of the spine reveals serial severe right-sided and moderate left-sided spondylarthrosis with vertebral roof sclerosis throughout the lumbar spine. Moreover the vertebral endplates and costal junctions are affected by generalized mild to moderate changes. Chronic disc protrusions with a mild myelocompressive effect are present at the thoracolumbar transition and cranial lumbar spine. The combination of changes may explain patient discomfort and/or mild neurologic deficits. A reason for the bladder dysfunction is not obvious. However, the scan does not cover for the lower motor neuron neurolocalization.

Clinical Differential Diagnosis

primary epilepsy

Patient Information

Patient Name : Valentino Stankiewicz
Gender : Male, Neutered
Species : Canine
Type of Imaging : Ultrasound
Status : Complete
Liz Wuz Here : Yes
Code : 16_00005

Clinical Signs

  • Incontinence
  • Seizures

Exam Finding

  • Ambulatory deficits



Clinical Signs

  • Incontinence
  • Seizures
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